India is in a lockdown mode for 21 days as announced by our Prime Minister on the 24th of March 2020 and this move has been welcomed by every Indian citizen. The deadly Coronavirus has adversely impacted almost all the countries across the world and is spreading gradually all over India. This decision would be effective in controlling the spread of this pandemic and minimize its impact to a great extent.
Only essential services have been allowed to function. The personnel associated with these services have been permitted to carry out their duties as usual by taking all the necessary precautions. Everyone else has been instructed to stay at home to avoid being infected by this disease. In his Twitter post, the Prime Minister has also appreciated the services provided by the security guards.
The guards are being trained on the impacts of Coronavirus and all the precautionary measures that they need to take for protecting themselves and others from getting infected. Such training sessions would be highly effective in helping the guards in facing the challenges posed by this pandemic with a positive attitude. The security guards trained by TOP IPS GROUP have been guarding all our client’s property 24X7.
Taking the health of all its security guards into consideration, TOP IPS GROUP has been providing masks, sanitizers, thermal guns, as well as an adequate supply of food items in a timely manner. Transportation facilities are also being provided for them to avoid any untoward incidents. We feel proud and honored to have such people with us who are offering their selfless service to mankind with honesty, dedication, and a sense of responsibility during such an emergency.
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