TOP IPS GROUP Retail Security Service for All Retail Stores

Retail Security Services by TOP IPS GROUP

Being into the security industry from the last 33 years TOP IPS Group is one of the leading retail security services agency providers.  The company providing skills training for the guards to maintain the retail shops standard. The guards get the training as per industry requirements.

What are Retail Shops?

a position of business typically claimed and worked by a retailer however once in a while possessed and worked by a maker or by somebody other than a retailer in which product is sold principally to extreme buyers.

A retail establishment is the best type of store retailing, to pull in various clients. Different kinds of store retailing incorporate, strength store, general store, comfort store, index showroom, tranquilize store, superstore, markdown store, extraordinary worth store

  1. Discount Stores
  2. Specialty Stores
  3. Category Specialist
  4. Off-Price Retailers
  5. Value Retailers
  6. Electronic Retailing
  7. Catalog Retailing
  8. Direct Selling
  9. Television Shopping
  10. Vending Machine

What is the risk at the Retail Store?

Extortion chance emerges when clients pay utilizing fake cash or Visas, and workers control limits conceded to them to sell products at a less expensive cost. Further, direct robberies from retail locations either by clients (taking products) or by store representatives (taking merchandise or cash) happens all the time.

The job of the inside evaluator ought to be to guarantee that the organization: 

  • Utilizations cash tallying gear and fake identifiers; 
  • Controls Mastercard exchanges every day. 
  • Builds up an unmistakable approach on worker limits, including the greatest measure of the rebate conceded to every representative, and builds up an intermittent report on the equivalent; 
  • Contracts security representatives at stores containing high worth merchandise, and guarantees products against robbery; and 
  • Completes a day by day stock of sales registers and contrasts money and the absolute deal developments.

What is the Retail Industry Security Guard Job Responsibility?

Each industry needs a different set of skills For example the residential security needs different skills set security guards were as a manufacturing industry need different skill set.

The retail shop is loaded with merchandise and needs to monitor each visitor to avoid shoplifting cases. The guards will keep an eye on each visitor.

Specific Duties of Malls and Retailers Security Guard, Security Officer

  • Foot and vehicle patrol of interior and exterior areas of assigned locations.
  • Observe and report suspicious activities and persons.
  • Write detailed narrative reports and maintain daily activity reports (DARs).
  • Enforce rules, regulations, policies, procedures, and respond to emergency situations requiring security assistance.
  • Monitor entrances/exits and sales floor for potential theft by identifying suspicious behaviors and activity.
  • Gather theft indicators and use internal and external intelligence to positively impact shortage trends.
  • Effectively communicate with store leadership and members of the Loss Prevention team.
  • Maintaining a Safe & Secure Environment
  • Provide a visible presence at store entrances/exits and on sales floor in a company-issued vest/uniform monitoring for potential safety issues.
  • Provide assistance to store leadership to maintain a safe and secure environment for associates and customers.
  • Minimizing Operational Shortage.
  • Increase associate awareness on effective processes to minimize operational shortage by training and educating around shortage reduction initiatives.
  • Observe and provide feedback on proper checkout procedures for customers and associates.
  • Developing Great Teams & Partnerships.
  • Provide excellent customer service by greeting customers and answering questions.
  • Regular involvement with internal and external triad partners. May include, but not limited to, conference calls, meetings, store visits, etc.(original source:
We provide retail security services in Mumbai, Navi Mumbai and Pan India contact us for more information on retail security solutions. 

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