Monday, May 11, 2020

National Technology Day: Here are 5 things you should know about it

India is observing its 29th National Technology Day today. The day, which was first observed on May 11, 1999, aims to commemorate the scientific and technological achievements of Indian scientists and engineers.
May 11 is also the day when India conducted its first successful test in Pokhran. On May 11, 1998, India successfully fired the Shakti-I nuclear missile at an Army test range in Rajasthan’s Pokhran. Two days later, the country conducted two more nuclear tests as a part of the same operation, following which India joined the elite club of nuclear power nations.
Pokhran II nuclear tests News and Updates from The Economic Times
2. The day also marks the flight of indigenously developed Hansa-3. It was developed jointly by National Aerospace Laboratories (NAL) and the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) lab.
3. On the same day, that is, May 11, 1988, the Defence Research Development Organisation (DRDO) completed the final test-fire of the surface-to-air Trishul missile.
4. Former Indian PM Late Atal Bihari Vajpayee coined this term to celebrate the contributions made by Indian scientists.
5. Every year since 1999, the Technology Development Board (TBD) celebrates this day by awarding individuals for their scientific contributions to India.
Today is #WorldTechnologyDay and we at #TOPIPSGROUP are proud of the fact that we employ the latest technologies to make sure that our clients are provided with top-class security at all times. 

Monday, April 27, 2020

Private Security Guard Job Responsibility

It is very necessary to understand what is the private security guards' job responsibility whether you want to become a security guard or you planning to hire private security guard services for your personal or commercial use. There work profile has different job responsibilities as per the different sectors and industry-wise.  But the prime job responsibility remains the same to protect lives and properties from harm, theft or threats.

1. Observe traffic in and out of the premises they have been assigned.
2. Patrolling parking lots to spot for suspicious activities.
3. Observe closed-circuit security feeds to spot potential threats and suspicious activities.
5. Verifying entry and exit access of individuals by questioning them.
6. Permit entry access to authorized individuals after checking his temperature with a thermal gun making sure he is not sick.
7. Refuse entry access to unauthorized individuals.
8. Notify the police where a crime is about to be committed or has been committed.
9. Notify the police in the event of civil unrest.
10. Providing basic first aid for someone who gets hurt or is in a medical crisis on the premises.
11. Calling for an ambulance for someone who gets hurt or is in a medical crisis on the premises.
12. Responding to a security situation, either in the offensive or defensive.

After India's lockdown situation the guards need to be more alert since there are the ones who interact with the lots of people who are visiting during the lockdown time.  They need to make sure that the person who is visiting is not sick or ill. They can check the visitor temperature by using the thermal gun. After making the visiting entry and proper following entry norms decided by concern authority.
The guards are not only secure you from the thefts and threats but they also become one of your secure shields to protect you and your family against COVID 19.

TOP IPS GROUP is proud to have such a supportive team who are fighting with this pandemic with a positive attitude. 

Friday, April 24, 2020

Safety Tips on Corona Virus

Coronavirus had killed more than 1.90 lac and the infected 27 Lac people around the world. It is going to take time to prepare vaccination against this pandemic. The world scientists and researchers are working to find out the proper treatment which can control COVID 19 virus.

Till they find the solution we need to support them by following basic rules. Yes, we need to strictly follow these rules so that there will be fewer people get infected from this COVID 19.

To prevent the spread of COVID-19:
Clean your hands often. Use soap and water, or an alcohol-based hand rub.
Maintain a safe distance from anyone who is coughing or sneezing.
Don’t touch your eyes, nose or mouth.
Cover your nose and mouth with your bent elbow or a tissue when you cough or sneeze.
Stay home if you feel unwell.
If you have a fever, a cough, and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention. Call in advance.
Follow the directions of your local health authority.

Avoiding unneeded visits to medical facilities allows healthcare systems to operate more effectively, therefore protecting you and others.

Our guard is on duty helping you to be safe at home. Follow there request and help to maintain the social distance and lockdown situation till 3rd May 2020. We are an ISO 9001: 2015 certified security guard agency in Mumbai. Providing professional and trained security guards to safeguard your business and premises. 

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Happy Ram Navami- TOP IPS GROUP

TOP IPS GROUP-Happy Ram Navami 2020
Today is Ram Navami, a festival that commemorates the birth of Lord Rama, the seventh Avatar of Lord Vishnu. Today, we need to invoke the Lord Rama in us by fighting the deadly Coronavirus and prevent its spread, thereby ensuring the victory of good over evil. TOP IPS GROUP wishes everyone a Happy Ram Navami and salutes all the brave souls who are putting up a strong resistance against this deadly pandemic.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

India Lockdown Coronavirus

India is in a lockdown mode for 21 days as announced by our Prime Minister on the 24th of March 2020 and this move has been welcomed by every Indian citizen. The deadly Coronavirus has adversely impacted almost all the countries across the world and is spreading gradually all over India. This decision would be effective in controlling the spread of this pandemic and minimize its impact to a great extent.
Only essential services have been allowed to function. The personnel associated with these services have been permitted to carry out their duties as usual by taking all the necessary precautions. Everyone else has been instructed to stay at home to avoid being infected by this disease. In his Twitter post, the Prime Minister has also appreciated the services provided by the security guards.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi tweets about Private security guard services
The guards are being trained on the impacts of Coronavirus and all the precautionary measures that they need to take for protecting themselves and others from getting infected. Such training sessions would be highly effective in helping the guards in facing the challenges posed by this pandemic with a positive attitude. The security guards trained by TOP IPS GROUP have been guarding all our client’s property 24X7.
Taking the health of all its security guards into consideration, TOP IPS GROUP has been providing masks, sanitizers, thermal guns, as well as an adequate supply of food items in a timely manner. Transportation facilities are also being provided for them to avoid any untoward incidents. We feel proud and honored to have such people with us who are offering their selfless service to mankind with honesty, dedication, and a sense of responsibility during such an emergency.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Happy Gudi Padwa-TOP IPS GROUP

Security services are among the most important essential services that all of us need in recent times. They’re also playing an active role in protecting people against the deadly Coronavirus by keeping trespassers away. On the occasion of Gudi Padwa, TOP IPS GROUP salute all the security personnel for their valuable contribution and wish you a safe and Happy New Year! 

Monday, March 9, 2020

International Womens Day Celebration at TOP IPS GROUP

Happy Women's Day from TOP IPS GROUP
"Strong Women don't play the victim. Don't make themselves look pitiful and don't point fingers. They stand and they deal"

#InternationalWomensDay #WorldWomensday #TopSecurity #SecurityService #Agency #NaviMumbai #Mumbai #Maharashtra #India

What type of companies need security guards?

Having Security guards has now become a must for most businesses. And why not? Every day we hear News of getting mugged, robbed and vandalism.

If you run the business of below-listed categories then it becomes extremely necessary.

1. Construction Companies

If you own a construction company, simply relying on police security isn’t feasible. If ignored it can lead to severe consequences.

2. Manufacturing & Industrial Companies

The manufacturing industry has been a prime target among thieves, vandals, and smugglers. Having a Security guard can log vehicle entry and exit of the building, verify drivers and clear visitors and direct contractors to their appropriate locations.

3. Museums

A museum security guard can keep valuable and some priceless art and exhibits safe from thievery, damage, and tampering.

4. Hotels and Hospitality

To ensure guest safety security guards can patrol the hotel and be there to respond to any emergencies.

5. Institutes and Public Schools

Due to a rise in fatal shootings, drugs and safety issues, schools may need to provide security to patrol the institution and surrounding area.

6. Residential and Retirement Communities

Feeling safe where you and your children live is one of the most important things that hiring security will provide for families. Security companies can provide custom solutions to ensure peace of mind to residents.

Be it any business or company, security guard services are a must-have to run a secure business.
Original Source:

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

National Safety Day

National Safety Day History

National Safety Day/Safety Week Campaign centers around the significance of a decrease in the pace of modern mishaps and furthermore centers around the regions that have not yet been secured by any wellbeing enactment. The crusade encourages a few associations to take an interest in building up a few exercises according to their legitimate wellbeing necessities. The battle is for the most part far-reaching, general and adaptable.

Cleanliness: Safety of the country not only comes to keep the country safe from enemies but also to keep the people safe from the disease in the country. National Security Day shows everyone the way to take their step in this direction. Keeping the country clean is also covered under the security, in which the government and the public, as well as the industrialists, are responsible and all of them together are mandatory to bring sanitation-related security in the country, thus cleanliness is also the aim of the safety day.

Food: In today’s time, the dominance of adulterated goods is more, it is also causing many diseases and this new breed is becoming weaker, it is our duty to protect the country even more. It is also a part of security.

Poverty: The number of poor in the country is also very high, due to which they are insecure. It is our duty to think for them also. In some way, the poor do not have to go hungry and they can get some means of livelihood. For this also we all need to be one, this is also a part of security.

Women Safety: We all must bear this security together. Punishment after the occurrence of the incident is the job of the court of justice, but it is necessary for all of us to think and act about ending these incidents. Only then a day like National Security Day / National Security Day will prove to be effective.
There can be many such topics, by deciding on which we should work unitedly on the day of National Security Day so that such unsafe issues of the country can be eliminated. These were all the issues that are within the country, apart from this, the issues for which we define the word security are the security of the country. You need to deploy a female security guard to make sure the safety of all female staff working in your organization.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Security Services in Hospital

Hospital is a place where lots of people get visited every day to get treated for the diseases there are suffering from. The doctor consults and provides medicine to them. The visitors need to follow the basic rule. Good hospital management will consider the patient's needs and provide him the proper solution.

We have seen lots of hospital attacks events where patients and his relatives have attacked the hospital by damaging hospital properties. It is a very dangerous and risky task to handle the people. If the guard were trained to face the emergency then only they can act accordingly and provide the proper solution. The hospital needs to hire a proper security guard service agency that will take care of your hospital security management.
Hospital Security Service Agency in Mumbai

The guards will not only safeguard the hospital but also can control the situations if he sees anything suspicious. He can contact immediately to make the situation in control. The guards are not to safeguard your hospital but they will also safeguard the patients too.
In case of fire, the guard will be the first person to take care of the emergency alarm informing the concerned department. Helping the staff to move in a safer zone.

Thus security guard can be a good virtue for a hospital. In his presence your staff and business safe he will take care of your every visitor scanned and monitoring your CCTV. The hospital management needs to understand the sensitive issue of security and should hire professional security services rather than hiring local security.

At TOP IPS Group we provide hospital security services where we audit your hospital and provide you the proper plan to safeguard your hospital with the cost-saving module.